One of the most common themes I hear from women who come to me for coaching is “I want to increase my confidence.” These are highly talented, well educated, ambitious women…yet they’re doubting themselves. Some have been in the workforce for years, or in a job for a while, others are new to a role […]
Read MoreHe sat across from me, with a look that told me he knew something was coming and it wasn’t good. His mouth was neutral, but there was a fearful look in his eyes. I took a deep breath. I knew this was a termination meeting. There had been performance problems for some time. He was […]
Read MoreI was vacationing on a houseboat in Arkansas with about ten family members, all of whom I love and with whom I enjoy spending time. One day, however, there were one too many complaints, one too many requests and a few too many people around me. So I dove off the back of the houseboat […]
Read MoreI believe we all want to live a life that has meaning and that we are most satisfied when we are living for something greater than ourselves. This is the purposeful life. Caring for family, volunteering, creating opportunities and a better life for others are all examples commonly thought of as purposeful. Is purposeful enough? […]
Read MoreHow do you know you’re a leader? The common quip is, “Look behind you and see if anyone is following.” True, but there’s more. We become leaders when our perspective shifts from the task at hand to the greater goal. I recall a situation in my career when I realized that I was no longer […]
Read MoreHow’s your confidence these days? If you’re feeling strong and confident, great! If, however, the events of the past two years have impacted your perspective on your career or working environment, your confidence may have taken a toll. Maybe you’re in a place where your confidence has been whittled away. You once had it, but […]
Read MoreShe sat in front of her boss, the CEO, waiting for him to open the discussion about her annual performance review. She had written up two highly detailed pages of her accomplishments over the past year. It had been a rough year. There had been market changes, business changes, unexpected crises, systems issues, personnel issues, […]
Read MoreHow do we transition into leadership? Leadership is not a title. It’s a role. I recall a specific situation many years ago, when I found myself leading and didn’t even realize it at the time. I was no longer playing the role of technical expert but was instead leading others towards a common goal. We […]
Read MorePeaceful confidence in your own power. Recently I was asked, “What is the one thing you want to help your clients achieve?” My answer: For all of my clients to come away from coaching with a peaceful confidence in their power. What does that mean? It’s when you know you deserve that promotion and you […]
Read MoreShe walked in my office smiling and exuding confidence. She was bright, engaging and seemed to have things under control. Then as we talked about her situation, she expressed a doubt. Then a tear came to her eyes. Then it all came pouring out. She was frustrated, tired, confused, and felt stuck. And that’s when […]
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