Signs We Don’t Read: No U Turn

  1. Signs We Don’t Read: Business Hours
  2. Signs We Don’t Read: Falling Rocks
  3. Signs We Don’t Read: Sharp Turn Ahead
  4. Signs We Don’t Read: School Zone
  5. Signs We Don’t Read: HOV Lane
  6. Signs We Don’t Read: Maximum Load
  7. Signs We Don’t Read: Silence Please
  8. Signs We Don’t Read: Exit Only
  9. Signs We Don’t Read: No U Turn
  10. Signs We Don’t Read: Rest Area
  11. Signs We Don’t Read: Yield
  12. Signs We Don’t Read: Introduction

No Turning Back sign

“It’s done.  I made the decision and it’s done.  Or, maybe I should have done it differently, made a different decision. What will they think of me? What if I’m wrong?  What could I have done to avoid the situation in the first place? Why did I ever get myself in this position? Oh, no, I’m the one that’s done!”

Second guessing ourselves.  We do it too often. There’s a moment of relief once a decision  is made or action taken, followed by endless doubt.

Considering the possibility that you might be wrong is a good leadership characteristic, when properly used.  It says you’re willing to acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers and you’re willing to listen to the ideas of others. Ruminating, on the other hand, not only accomplishes nothing, it makes us look wishy-washy or lacking confidence. Those looking up to you for leadership may begin to doubt as well.

There was a time many years ago when I hired the wrong guy.  He just happened to have the same name and work for the same company in the same area of expertise as another very qualified individual.  The interview seemed inconsistent with his professional reputation, yet all the references were good.

What could I do?  Worry, second guess, ruminate?  Or just get on with it and do the best I could in the situation moving forward.  I did the latter and all worked out in the end.

Once you’ve decided a course of action, move forward with conviction.  If you get new information, use it to course-correct. But absent new information, persist, breathe deeply and let it go.  Look forward, not back.

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Susan Hodge

Susan Hodge

Susan Hodge created Women Leading Together in order to provide one-on-one executive coaching, seminars, workshops, and coaching circles to help career women move forward to create fulfilling professional lives. Visit our website for upcoming programs, articles, and resources to advance your career.


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